Friday, March 29, 2013

Healthy Recipes Part 1

One of the very first things I did "Outside of My Comfort Zone" in terms of health was to change the way I eat.  I have been a vegetarian for two years now, partly for health and partly because I am a little indifferent to eating meat.  One thing that has kept me motivated to eat  healthy, is to have a list of websites and blogs I like and the direct link to their recipes.  I am going to share with you my go to recipes for making healthy choices.  Hopefully, you will enjoy them as much as I do!

I made this from a blog I like called a few weeks ago and it turned out great!

This Chickpea Dip is amazing from

Whole Living has a great recipe for a Rosted Spaghetti Squash with Herbs.

Another blog I really like that has great recipes is and one of my favorites from her blog is her Sweet Potato Chips

  My most favorite blog of all time is and one of my favorite recipes, hard to pick just one, is the Pea Pesto Crostini 

Lastly, I love Gwyneth Paltrow and her blog has a great recipe for a Chia Seed Pudding, here,

I have a lot more to share and have just decided I will do a Healthy Recipes Part 2 in the near future. 

Until Next Time,


Wednesday, March 27, 2013

The Simple Things

I just came across a magazine that I absolutely love and wanted to share.  It is called "The Simple Things" and it has inspired me over the past few days.  While reading this on Sunday evening, I was inspired to meet a friend for afternoon tea this coming Thursday, cook an exciting new meal for my boyfriend, and plan an outdoor brunch with my sister and cousins for Mother's Day.  The thing I appreciate most about this magazine is that it truly is about appreciating the simple things and making the most of what you have. 

Here is the link

Friday, March 22, 2013

Today I Did Something Way Outside of My Comfort Zone

Today I submitted an article to one of my favorite websites called  This was a huge leap for me.  I typically would only think about doing something like this but would not actually follow through with it.  The article was all about my experience on my first yoga retreat and how it changed my life.  It was very personal and normally not something I would share.  However, I felt inspired to do this because the webiste and the yoga retreat have helped shape my current outlook on life.  This outlook is much more positve and happy compared to my outlook a few years ago. 

Until Next Time,


Wednesday, March 20, 2013


I do not enjoy talking about weight, I like the idea of just eating healthy and enjoying my body.  I have struggled to lose my last 20 lbs for the past 2 years.  I have lost 20+ lbs in the past 5 years but still have 20 lbs to go to get to my ideal weight.  I have decided that I am going to really kick my eating right into high gear.  I am a healthy eater for the most part, however portions and chips are my weakness.  I have vowed to start planning out and prepping my meals for the week.  I feel that this alone will allow me to just grab a healthy meal, that is ready, instead of gravitating towards chips and hummus, my usual.  I am putting this out here on 03/18/13 that I vow to lose 20lbs.  I do vow to do this in a healthy way.  The main thing I will be doing is starting to run again, continue yoga for 3 days a week, and tweak my healthy eating to be a bit more healthy.  Below are some photos of me now and me before I lost my 20+ lbs!

This is me on my 30th birhtday at a party in my store/business I used to own.  I think I was at my heaviest here.

Another picuture at my heavy weight. 

Me on my 34th birthday this past January.  Things are improving, I just have a little ways to go! 

Until Next Time,


Friday, March 15, 2013

Vision Board

I have had a vision board for the past 6 years.  Some of the things on my vision board have manifested and others are on the way.  I love having this board though, just looking at the pretty pictures I have put together puts me in a better mood.  They are very easy to do, you just need a cork board, a few magazines, and scissors.  If you like a picture and it makes you feel happy, cut it out and put it on your vision board. 

Here is mine

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Treasure Yourself

One person that I think is doing amazing things with spreading positive energy is Miranda Kerr.  I love that she has created her own organic skin care line called Kora Organics, she is very into healthy eating and has attended school for natural health, she is a Yogi, she has a great blog, and she has written a book called Treasure Yourself.  I believe the title says it all, but this book is all about appreciating YOU.  I have just started reading it and I am looking forward to having something positive to read at night.  It also reminds me why I am doing this blog.  I want to motivate myself and anyone who may happen to stuble across it to be postive, take care of yourself, and do what feels good.  One big goal I have is that I would LOVE to meet Miranda Kerr.  I am putting this out into the universe becuase she is such a role model for me. 

Monday, March 11, 2013

40 Days of Yoga Complete

It feels good to have decided to do 40 days of yoga.  Part of the reason I wanted to do this blog is so that I can hold myself accountable for things I say I am going to do and push myself to actually do them.  This is something that I easily could have stopped doing, but I am so glad that I finished.  I am slowly coming along in my yoga practice and feel that with each passing week I am getting a little bit more flexible.  One thing that helped me to stay motivated was to attend the free yoga classes at Lululemon on Sunday.  Again, attending these classes is something I always wanted to do but never actually did, until now :).  Now I can say that I am a regular at Lululemon Sunday yoga and I have completed 40 days in a row of yoga.  This is an awesome feeling!! Here is where I attended and will continue to attend free yoga classes:

Monday, March 4, 2013

6 am Yoga

Friday morning I did something waaaay out of my comfort zone.  I got up at 5 am and attended a 6am morning rocket yoga class.  This is something I would always think about doing, but would never actually follow through with.  I must say that it felt very good after and the class and showed me how far along I am coming in my 40 days in a row of yoga challenge.  There was also a bonus, my friend Jenna taught the class!!  Very proud of myself for this one and I will be doing this again.

Friday, March 1, 2013

Yoga Retreat #1

I absolutely love traveling and when you put traveling to Italy, staying in a villa, eating food right off the land and yoga all together in one week, I am there!  I just wanted to share with you a few pics from the absolutely amazing yoga retreat I went on to Ischia, Italy.  Please let this inspire you to do something amazing or take that trip you only talk about taking! 

P.S.  There is another Yoga Retreat on the  books!  I will talk more about this as it gets closer. 

Until Next Time,
